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Providing organic produce that will provide a well-balanced diet. Post Covid-19 new norm healthy, clean eating.



Is a personal Cuisine touch. Our Chefs are Culinary trained professionals provide personal cuisine touch with top-notched service. In addition, many HS students enjoy participating in the Hot Wheels project

Man Up( Motivating Attitudes that Nurture an Understanding of Your Potential)

Developing a Safe Haven space for the youth of today. During these unprecedented times of great change, young people are not being taught how to navigate life or create reform based on their authentic ideas, careers, opportunities, trades and thinking outside the box.

Semper Seeds
Fresh food incorporating services like behavior-changing coaching and cooking demonstrations by dieticians and chefs at no cost
You, Me & She

A safe space to come and “chat” about anything that’s on their minds.  Bullying, college, family issues, identity crises to name a few. 

Culinary Cadets

Aspiring chefs receive life lasting skills that will enhance a wellness diet. Community service hours available.